Mistake #4: Not taking full advantage of all features

Mistake #4: Not taking full advantage of all features
WalkMe has a certain number of basic apps that are designed to work together:
Smart Walk-Thrus, ShoutOuts, Launchers, SmartTips, Resources, Onboarding Tasks, Surveys.
New WalkMe builders often over rely on the WalkMe Menu and forget that there are multiple paths that users will take to access content.
Here’s the process I recommend:
First make sure you’ve thoroughly understood the problem as in the prior step.
- Next, keep in mind that not everyone will use the WalkMe Menu. Use multiple apps together to create a cohesive solution.
- For example, a ShoutOut to announce a new feature. Then automated Walkthru to get them to page. Also put that in the menu.
- If it’s important enough, an Onboarding Task.
- OK…. But when the onboarding is done? And ShoutOut has been seen? And someone just goes to the page next week?
- SmartTips on the page to reinforce the key points fields.
- A Launcher on the page to initiate the Walk-thru.
- And what’s one way to know how well our content is working? Connected to the end of the walk-thru? Include a survey to ask them how it was, did it work, what did they think?
Use all the features at your disposal and your WalkMe solutions will be far more effective.
Next Steps:
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Do you currently see any of these in your organization?
Or does this make you think of anything you need to check on?
Any corrective actions to put in place?
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