Mistake #7: Not Keeping Notes on Builds

Mistake #7: Not Keeping Notes on Builds
When WalkMe gets going, it really gets going. Creation of WalkMe content can take off exponentially. This is because builders in your organization get more proficient at creating the content and the organizational demand increases.
But let’s think ahead for a minute. What happens when we get a new builder 3 months from now or we have an issue on the app? How easily are we going to be able to find what to fix or know why WalkMe content exists?
It’s not uncommon for WalkMe teams to see an item in the editor “XYZ Launcher” and then wonder – Is that being used?
Here’s the process I recommend:
Put in a note when you initially publish. This needs to include the page it’s intended to be on and the PURPOSE.
When you revise the Walk-thru, add an additional note ABOVE that one so the most recent changes are at the top. It would look something like this:
2023-12-12: Element update
Changed element selection due to changes on the Opportunity page.
2023-12-06: Initial Publication
Put Walk-thru with launcher in place on the Opportunity page to help new Opp Creation.
This may seem like “extra work” at the time, but this saves so much time down the road when performed consistently.
Next Steps:
I hope you found this helpful.
Do you currently see any of these in your organization?
Or does this make you think of anything you need to check on?
Any corrective actions to put in place?
Let’s talk about what’s going on and try to find the best way to address it: