The WalkMe Difference: Embodying NEW Fundamental Truths

WalkMe Embodies New Fundamental Truths
Some apps are just apps. Some apps are even fantastic apps. But WalkMe™ embodies new fundamental truths. Here's why you need to know the difference:
Some apps are just apps.
Let's say your company needs a product to easily create graphics so you license Canva. There you go, great choice, problem solved.
Sure... you might use more features over time, you might grow the # of licenses in your org, but it's a graphics product.
Let me be clear: there's nothing wrong with Canva. I use it. It does what it does well. But it doesn't contain within it any new fundamental truths about how your organization should pursue a whole new category of activity.
Digital Adoption Platforms like WalkMe are Different.
DAPS embody a number of new fundamental truths:
- Your training and on-boarding SHOULD be in-application.
- Your announcements and comms SHOULD be in-application.
- Your change management SHOULD be in-application.
- You SHOULD STOP making and emailing PowerPoints about changes to your application.
- Your over-loaded Devs and Admins SHOULD NOT need to do everything in the backlog, since DAPS EXTEND their capability by overlaying on top of the app.
That's just a few, but the list goes on.
Now, these are BIG implications for your org.
Yeah, you can buy WalkMe thinking, "I need to improve adoption of Salesforce," so let's just get it for that.
But since WalkMe embodies these new fundamental truths, once people in your org see it, they WILL say, "Wait a minute... shouldn't we have it on this app... and this app... and this app....?"
In other words, successfully deploying WalkMe brings awareness to these truths to a greater internal audience and as a result, creates new business cases for it. You need DAPs.
You can let this happen organically OR you can plan ahead.