Did You Lose Your WalkMe Champion?

What to do when your WalkMe™ champion leaves?
The employee trait you're looking for is not what you think...
Here's something I run into often: WalkMe works really well when the person that FIRST brings it into the org also becomes an initial builder.
They see it, they get it, they want to make it work. It's beautiful. It's like when you find a new series on Netflix and every new episode is great and it continues to play without asking if you're still there...
Down the road, that person gets promoted or takes another job. Someone needs to pick it up - to carry the torch, so to speak.
Maybe they hire someone.. But first, they usually try to fill the void internally. Now what?
Well, people come to WalkMe from all sorts of different backgrounds. There's not one specific degree or career path for DAP.
And yes, there are a number of important qualities for a WalkMe builder:
- Not afraid to push buttons
Empathetic to end users
However, based on my experience, the most important quality in a new WalkMe Builder is something else entirely.
The most important thing in a new WalkMe champion? That your employee WANTS TO DO IT.
OK boss, let's talk about DELEGATION.
Delegation doesn't just mean that the boss says "Hey Sarah, surprise, guess what you're in charge of now?" If you need to find a new WalkMe lead, ASK as opposed to just telling someone. Think about how much better it's gone for you when you've been ASKED to be a part of something, rather than volun-told to do it.
Give it a try...
"Hey, as you guys know, Jen is leaving and we need to find someone to own WalkMe. Is there anyone who would be willing?"
Once we have made the ask, we can talk about reporting, priorities, training, plans, all that fun stuff. But you DON'T want to just dump this on someone. (Side note: Manager Tools has some of the best material around about handling delegation / priorities / etc.)
Either way, once someone on your team has raised their hand and it seems like a fit?
Send them to my DAP Academy program.
It's perfect for auditing where you are, shoring up what's broken, building new content and charting the proper course. I'm with them each step of the way, being both the builder's champion and a long-time WalkMe champion.